Welcome to InfoRoster

 Our purpose is to make it as easy as possible to share information from businesses directly to consumers.

Anytime you see one of our badges, information is available.

The key to getting that information is to download our app, or, get and bookmark the 'widget' into your smart phone.

The 'widget' links are listed here:


Click on any of these and see what is nearby in any of our categories.  (Location services must be turned on)

America's Premier, Remote Access, QR Code Based Information System!

You can HEAR the difference!

Consumers may learn about your business or about your property listing without leaving the safety and comfort of their car.

Real Estate

Residential, Commercial, Leasing, Auction

 This is the Info Roster Badge as seen on a sign. The range of operation is 1200' from the property, often enough distance to include directionals using the same icon. Click on the sign and it opens the 'widget' where you are now. If there is not a listing or a demo nearby, you can examine the map to find a demo near you. Plus you can click on the pin and open the link to the demo.  

Click to play


Anyone may scan the location QR and click the link. If a viewer has already gotten the location 'widget', or perhaps downloaded our app, they just sit in their car ask for information in the app or refresh the widget at this  location.

Consumers may listen to your information

It is to an agent's advantage to make their listings and their own bio as accessible as possible.

Add the InfoRoster system to your signs and make it easier all around for your clients and colleagues.

A sign on a property can be the one of the most important factors in creating a successful real estate transaction.

Smart agents take advantage of new technologies that allow potential buyers or their surrogates to grab information about their properties without the inconvenience of having to leave the comfort and safety of their vehicles.

With our Info-Roster system, viewers may use an app to ask for information or,

Simply use this refreshable, location based QR code web-link. HERE

(The range of operation is 1200 feet and you must have location services turned on.)

Both the app and the 'widget' have a mapping function. Open the 'widget' map Here and you may see where our demo's are located.

Promote Your Brand: 

Storefront, Vehicle, Bus, Bus Bench, Billboard, Wrap

Radio, TV

Out of Home Advertising  takes many forms. Our system helps provide a shortcut on the branding funnel. We offer a choice of badges showing the presence of information, some with QR's and others, like this one above, with only a symbol. We have the safest possible platform for people to use to get information from outdoor advertising.                                  Our system covers an area. Viewers can ask for information about your product or service anytime they are within range , either through the app, or, refresh the info-roster 'widget' and click your link when they get a moment.                                        Consumers  will connect with a business directly when they are interested; get on the roster and offer them an easy way to do so. 

Any small business should take advantage of our free service. The full service subscription is only $8 per month.  Free!                    Businesses: Give us 20 minute sign up, 30 day Free trial.  


Scan or click Here to get our Brand 'Widget' and view businesses that are nearby.

The 'Widget' is GPS based and will ask permission to use your location. 

Consumers get information directly from a business without interference from paid promotional advertising. Anytime you see our badge, information is available.

Listen in, anytime.

Below is the view using the 'Widget':

Historic Sites and Markers

Learn more and Sign Up for Service

Most markers tell a one dimensional story.                      

If you are visiting Nashville Tennessee, download our app or use this "What's Nearby?" Location Based QR 'widget' to grab information from any of the city's historic markers. Find them on the map here.        Learn More.

Government and Municipal Communication

Keep Constituents Informed

Our intelligent QR Code system allows anyone with a smart phone to safely get information from your signs, with or without using an app.

Both the app and the widget work within 1200 feet of an empowered government sign.

When people understand the work being done, they can endure the delay's with something to look forward to.

Our 'widget' map make it easy to see what is going on anywhere in the city.
