Don't count on luck to get your brand's message into the smartphone of a consumer. Offer them a realistic connection using the Info Roster system. Extend the reach and duration of your message.
We create a GPS bounded 'umbrella' area beneath which smartphone users may access information from advertisers using our system.
In this case we want to highlight our demo for the Tennessee Lottery.

Lollipop badge featuring our basic icon, QR access to the brand 'widget' and a general information QR
The paradigm shift is instead of trying to provide further information directly from the advertiser to the consumer, we offer where that information may be found and show them how to obtain it.
Our Information Roster system makes it very straight forward for consumers to have easy and full time access to that information.
Even a viewer that is out of range of the 'Umbrella' may go back to the map and search to find the appropriate advertiser.
Yes it is a list of advertisers, but it allows people to go directly to the advertiser that piqued their interest instead of going through the milieu of a Google search.
The advertiser is providing people an option.
Also, once the advertiser is on the list, they may be found by anyone looking for anything.
I know if I were promoting a big law firm I would want to be on this list.
Viewers may get the advertiser's information 2 Ways:
1. By asking, through our app.
Or, through a pin found on the map contained within the app.
2. By refreshing the "What's Nearby?" information roster brand widget,
Or through a pin found on the 'widget' map.
No matter how they get there, the consumer may listen to the basic information.
This is key for that information being useful in a mobile environment.

We use just the basic icon for ads where a QR is not practical for whatever reason. This is what would be used on Billboards.
Any consumer should be able to easily obtain information from an ad seen on TV, heard on the Radio or seen anywhere along the OOH spectrum, from billboards to trucks and buses.
When a consumer is under our GPS based 'Umbrella' of service, your information is available to them no matter what the source of inspiration.
It is typically a broad area of coverage, allowing the consumer to reach out when it is convenient to them.
In this case we want to highlight your ad for the Tennessee Lottery.
The information is there; Now it can be made easily and usefully accessible!
If you click here or scan the 'Widget' QR on the nearby 'lollipop' badge, you open the Information Roster at your location.

The information roster is a searchable list. Default is alphabetical.

For the Lottery we chose one 75 mile radius of service based on their Nashville office. This is a 150 mile diameter umbrella.
This is what the information would look like using the 'Widget':
Search or scroll down to 'Tennessee lottery'

Advertisers may provide their message using audio, images, video, and provide links to their main website (3 links) and social media sites. Plus contact information including phone text and email.
Standard audio is our text to speech.
It may be automatically transformed from the text seen on the home page, but does not have to be.
The format is MP3 for the audio. We recommend using a voiceover.
If people are listening to your ad extension on their car stereo or their home theater system, you will want it to be of decent quality.
These ads are easily shareable between friends and on social media; boost your impact!