America's Premier, Remote Access, QR Code Based Information System!

Learn about our app here

Our Intelligent QR Code system allows you to use one sign for all of the projects in your category. For example, Zoning may us one sign for any zoning changes.

Here's how it works:

Information about your project is available to viewers 3 Ways: 

1. By asking, through our app.

 Or, through a pin found on the map contained within the app.

2. By refreshing the "What's Nearby?" information roster property widget

3. By scanning your central QR code, found on the "full" badge, which provides a roster of all of your listings and more

Any consumer should be able to easily obtain information from any government sign, safely and conveniently. Now it is easily and inexpensively done.

We use one Information badge for a department, useable for any  signage!

Our Location Based QR Code and its accompanying  'widget',  can be used for departments such as Zoning, Police, Utilities, Transportation, or Public Works.

          The information is there; Now it can be made easily and usefully accessible!

This information badge below is our 'Full' badge.

It shows three ways for consumers to get information.                      First, is our app, in this case the keyword is Public Works. The app also contains our map; each location has a pin on the map.                                                                                                                                          Second, the prominent Direct access (subscription) QR code that takes the viewer to all Public works projects in this area listed alphabetically.    This same information is presented as a link in every individual listing.                                                                        Thirdly, our "What's Nearby", location based QR code. It opens our 'widget', a web page that may be bookmarked and provides links to all nearby government listings.                                        (Public works, Zoning, Utility,  Transportation, etc.)      

Sign up for the service                                                 Request a demo for your city, town, or state.           

Each location has a 1200 range of operation.

Use the Information badge on signs of any size.
The Central QR code shown here on the full badge, opens to a list of all of your projects. Codes projects

This is what the information would look like using the 'Widget':
