Promote your fixed location business, church, school or other neighborhood entity. Use either our Free, or, our Paid service.
Allow your business to be seen and heard by viewers nearby. Provide a viewer with information from the source: YOU!

This is a generic badge that works anywhere. It features the Location based brand 'Widget' QR and a 'Learn More' QR for people that are not as familiar with the system. Click for the Printable PDF.
Our system lets viewers see and hear from "What's Nearby?". If your local shop is within 1200 feet of the viewer, they may get your information through the app or the "What's Nearby?" brand widget or the "What's Nearby? Hyper-Local brand widget.
This makes it easy for a viewer to do a quick peak at any of the shops, for example in a shopping center, including, ones they may not have been aware of.
Most viewers will use the "What's Nearby?" webpage widget. (Get it now)
You may use any of the free generic templates to allow people to know you are on the Information Roster.
If you use the 'Full Badge' similar to what is seen here, anyone can scan your Direct QR code.
Those that use the app can say your business name/ Keyword into the app and listen to your response.
Plus, the app has a map, and your business is accessible from anywhere by simply clicking on it's pin.

You might use this icon to announce that you are on the roster in your printed materials. Click icon for PDF

Free Service gets one image, one web link, and popular dedicated social media links. Paid Service gets up to 20 images, plus you may post video and add more points of contact.

This is an example of a "Full" badge and uses our Nationwide Sports account as the demo.
Signing Up:
This PDF will show you the steps to setting up an account and creating your local, 1200 foot, radius subscription. (Nearly a 1/2 mile umbrella)
Download one of the generic badges or create you own personalized badge using the template and adding your QR and Business name.